LOCATION: Dennis Memorial Library, 8-9am
Begin your week right with a full-hour of meditation
Kennedy Legacy Trail
LOCATION: Brochures and maps will be available at the JFK Museum
on Main Street, Hyannis
Year round, free self guided walking tour. Celebrates the significant role the Kennedy¹s played in shaping the history of Hyannis and Cape Cod. The 1.6 mile trail consists of 10 informational signs that are placed at key locations from Main Street to the harbor, finishing up at the JFK Memorial at Veteran¹s Beach Each stop provides a brief history of the site and its significance to the Kennedy¹s and their life on Cape Cod. Visitors along the trail can retrieve additional information by accessing the QR code or dialing the number on each sign. Follow the blue sail stencils on the sidewalks leading the way to each stop.
Yoga with Lonna Bissonnette
LOCATION: West Falmouth Library, 9am
$60 for a 6-week pass or $15 per class. Bring your own yoga mat and blanket (blanket is optional).
Indoor Storytime with Miss Becky
LOCATION: Centerville Public Library, 11am
this weekly indoor gathering of young minds. Come for the stories, leave with a smile! Toddlers and preschoolers welcome.
Community Lunch
LOCATION: First Congregational Church, Wellfleet Noon-1pm
First Monday of the month thru May. Soup, Salad & dessert, everyone is welcome!
Soup Kitchen in Provincetown (SKIP)
LOCATION: United Methodist Church, 12:30-1:30pm
20 Shank Painter Road, Provincetown
SKIP serves over 150 meals a day, over 18,000 meals each season, to residents who are either in need or seek community during the long, wintertime months.
LOCATION: Cotuit Library, 3-4:40pm
The Cribbage players meet in the Art Room at Cotuit Library. Please contact the library if you are interested in playing. (508) 428-8141
Line Dance: Beginner/High Beginner
LOCATION: The 204 Cultural Arts Municipal Building, 204 Sisson Rd, Harwich, 5:30-7pm
Thru March 3. Line dancing is a perfect exercise for improving coordination and balance; as well as increasing cardiovascular health and brain memory! Come and have fun and sweat with us! Bring your water and wear sneakers or boots!
Massachusetts Air & Space Museum
LOCATION: 438 Main Street, Hyannis, 10am-4pm
Tues-Sat. A boutique museum in Hyannis that showcases exhibits on the history of aviation and space exploration, focusing on ties to Massachusetts people and industry. There are several hands-on interactive exhibits to engage visitors to simulate flight.
Infant Feeding Support Group
LOCATION: Eastham Public Library, 10am
Join Liz Cable, IBCLC, from Rising Tide Doulas for a drop-in infant feeding support group where you can get your questions answered whether you are chestfeeding, breastfeeding, formula feeding, pumping, or any combination of the above! Liz holds a kind, nonjudgmental space where parents can show up, take a breath, and feel held and supported just where they are. Questions? Reach out to Liz at
Veterans Mobile Food Pantry
LOCATION: Orleans Eastham Elks, 10am-1pm
10 McKoy Rd., Eastham
2nd and 4th Tuesday. Your DD214 id required when you sign up on your first visit. Please call 508-778-1590 for more information.
Knitting for a Cause
LOCATION: Centerville Public Library, 10am-noon
This group will make mittens, shawls, hats, scarves, etc. for local nursing homes, NOAH shelters, and other places in need. Just show up! Contact Group Leader, Debi Swiderski, at for questions or for yarn, needles or patterns.
Tuesday Story Time!
LOCATION: Brooks Free Library, Harwich, 10:30-11am
Join us every Tuesday at the Brooks Free Library, Harwich for a fun Story Time at 10:30! We will sing songs, play with scarves, read books and have a great time! This program is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, but all ages are welcome. Registration is not required. This program is free.
Together You and I Are Not Alone: Loss of Spouse Grief Support
LOCATION: Brewster Ladies Library, 10:30am
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday morning of each month, join Maureen Keane-Bottino in a gathering for people living with the death of a spouse. The change of seasons, the progression of time, day to day activities; all can be overwhelming and challenging. In shared Grief experiences, we can create a community of support and comfort.
Genealogy Help Session
LOCATION: Falmouth Public Library, 2-4pm
300 Main Street
Need help in researching your family history? Stop by the Falmouth Public Library's Reference Room on Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm for a free, drop-in session with members of the Falmouth Genealogical Society!
Magic the Gathering Club
LOCATION: Brooks Free Library, Harwich, 3:30-4:30pm
Students in grades 5 and above are invited to our Magic the Gathering Club! We will have loaner decks on hand to teach new players the game and allow everyone to play whether they own a deck or not. If you already own a deck, you can bring it to the club to play with!
Block Party: Legos in the Library!
LOCATION: Falmouth Public Library, 3:30-5pm
This is a drop-in Lego building session. Please leave your own Legos at home. All are welcome This program happens in the Children's Room. No registration is required. The Library may limit the number of attendees inside the Library.
Tech Drop In
LOCATION: Brewster Ladies Library, 4-5pm
Receive hands-on assistance to troubleshoot your technology needs. *No repairs, No Registration Required
LOCATION: Eastham/Orleans Elks, Doors open 5pm
10 McKoy Rd, N. Eastham
First game: 6:30PM. Food and refreshments available.
Yoga for Real Bodies
LOCATION: Marstons Mills Public Library, 7:45am
Saturdays 8am. Please call to reserve room for the next series of classes. Free and Open to the Public
LOCATION: West Falmouth Library, 10am-12pm
Please bring your own Scrabble board. Players are asked to contribute a $2 fee per week to participate.
Story Time at Brewster Ladies Library
LOCATION: Brewster Ladies Library, 10-30-11:30am
Every week has a theme!
Preschool Projects
LOCATION: Brooks Free Library, Harwich, 10:30-11:30am
Preschoolers and their families are invited every Wednesday at 10:30 to work on age appropriate crafts and activities! We will be doing a wide variety of projects, and some of them might be messy, so dress your child in play clothing! This program is free. No registration is required. The target audience is preschoolers, but all ages are welcome.
MidWeek Meditation
LOCATION: W. Falmouth Library, 575 West Falmouth Highway, 11am
Led by Soto Zen Buddhist priest Unshin Sangaku Dan Joslyn-sensei. No registration required; donations are welcome.
Knit Lit
LOCATION: Brooks Free Library, Harwich, 12:30-2:30pm
Experienced knitters and novices are invited to bring their needles and yarn and to share knitting stories and experiences with other knitters. For more information on joining the group please email
Nye Museum Tours
LOCATION: 85 Old County Rd, East Sandwich, 1pm
special off-season tours of their historic 1678 homestead during the month of February. Registration is required and can be completed online at or by calling 508-888-4213. Registration is $10 in advance or $15 at the door.
Weekly Family Support Meetings
LOCATION: Learn to Cope, 6-7:30pm
24 Spring Bars Road, Unit 1A, Falmouth
Weekly peer-led support meetings for families affected by Substance Use Disorder. Meetings are Free & Anonymous. No Registration Required. All are Welcome.
Preschool Story Time
LOCATION: Eastham Public Library, 10:30-11:30am
In the Children's Program Room. If the weather is warm-ish and not windy, Story Time may be held outside on the Pondside Patio. Stories, songs, activities, and crafts! Questions? Contact Fran at (508) 240-5950 or
Master Gardeners Association of Cape Cod
Backyard Horticulture Educational Series
LOCATION: Harborview Conference Room, Barnstable County Complex, 1-4:15pm
Feb. 6 – March 27 This program is an excellent way to improve your gardening knowledge, meet other plant enthusiasts, and prepare for a productive spring. Interested in joining? Visit to register and learn more. Act quickly—spaces are limited, and this popular series fills up fast!
Middle School Food and Fun
LOCATION: Brooks Free Library, Harwich, 4:15pm
Students entering grades 5 and above are invited to come and make food and have fun! We'll make a tasty food, then play games or do crafts while we eat our snack! No registration is required. This program is free. If you have any food restrictions, please email All of our food products can be made with allergen free alternatives if we know in advance!
Yoga at CPL
LOCATION: Centerville Public Library, 10:30-11:30am
1st and 3rd Friday of the month. In collaboration with Yoga Neighborhood. We welcome you to join us either in-person or via Zoom! The instructor will lead class indoors in our community room. Don't forget your mat! Please request a Zoom link by 8 a.m. on the morning of the class!
Master Gardeners Association of Cape Cod
Backyard Horticulture Educational Series
LOCATION: Harwich Community Center, Fridays, 1-4:30pm
Feb. 7 – March 28. This program is an excellent way to improve your gardening knowledge, meet other plant enthusiasts, and prepare for a productive spring. Interested in joining? Visit to register and learn more. Act quickly—spaces are limited, and this popular series fills up fast!
Fish Fry
LOCATION: Orleans/Eastham Elks, 5:30-7:00PM
Phone Ordering Available at 4:45 PM.
Outermost Contra Dance
LOCATION: Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 7-9pm
3rd Friday of the month. Come dance! New England Contra, Squares, Waltzes - Dance & make some friends. Price: $15 regular admission Special admission: $10 age 30 or younger, $5 with Student ID
Hyannis Youth & Community Center Game Room
LOCATION: Hyannis Youth and Community Center, Hyannis MA, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Year round. Indoor fun for all! Pool tables, ping pong, chess, flat screen television, video games, computer lab with eight pc work stations, free wifi, walking track and supervised fun for the kids! Open Gym times are scheduled daily. Admission: $5 Day Pass or HYCC Membership (Barnstable Residents: $20/yr. Non-residents: $40/yr. Ask about our family discounts!) More information at or call 508-790-6345.
Friends of Snow Library Book Sale
LOCATION: Snow Library, Orleans, 10am-1pm
Every Saturday in the lower level of the library. Find gently used books in all categories,from children's classics to recently published novels, biographies poetry, and gardening guides. And we have DVDs and CDs! Cash or checks are accepted in payment. All proceeds are used to benefit the Library.
Cozy Corner Story Time
LOCATION: Osterville Village Library, 10am
Come for the stories, stay for the crafts!
Chatham Conservation Foundation, Inc.
Winter Webinar Speaker Series
LOCATION: Online, Saturdays February & March
Not getting out during these cold winter days? Join us on Saturday mornings in February & March from the comfort of your warm couch to hear from some fascinating speakers and to learn about all the great things that are happening in and around the Cape.